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Fabienne GUEDY eklablog journaliste radio free lance producer

A - Géographie du journalisme - Geography of journalism

Sorry for my friends, english speakers - That is the French text I send to teachers and other people I've working with or not - Le texte ci-dessous a été envoyé à des personnes et des institutions avec lesquelles j'ai travaillé et d'autres avec lesquelles...

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AAAAHHH - Music Day 2015 - from Paris, Bagnolet and Abidjan to Bashir - Nigeria

A - In the memory of my teacher & friend - 2017

A- France Culture - 2015 - Once upon a time 3 minutes

AA- 2012/2013 - ONU - MINUSTAH FM - Haiti

AAA- 2011/2012 - Kenya -Mombasa - Année sabbatique - Sabbatical year

Journalism trainer - Chad - Tchad - RFI - 2011

Journalism trainer - Chad - Tchad - RFI - 2011

Journalism trainer - Ethiopie - Ethiopia - RFI - 2011

Journalism trainer - Ethiopie - Ethiopia - RFI - 2011

Reportage de Samrawit sur la formation. Samrawit reporting about the training.

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Teacher of French as a foreign language - Professeure de FLE - 1982 - 2006

Teacher of French as a foreign language - Professeure de FLE - 1982 - 2006

M - Z...at is... 2010 / 2011

M - Z...at is... 2010 / 2011

Photos: Fabienne GUEDY - Lucie - Françoise Massit-Follea.

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